I felt like a total fucking creep recording this video and I feel like a heel and a scoundrel for sharing it. But hey, that's the only reason I made it.
Some of you know that I was raised to believe that it's important to do good in secret while appearing to look bad in public. That's a fucked up thing that I hope to conquer one day but that's not why I feel so bad about making the video.
Letting people think ill of you is insane and wrong, but spending $7 to buy a barefoot begger girl shoes isn't the kind of thing anyone has an excuse to show off to the world. Hell, if I didn't know any better, I’d think someone who posted such a video only actually did it for the social media clout. Which I think we can all agree is objectively pretty fucked up.
But here's me. Doing what little bits of humanity I can, and at great personal expense, while social media is full of millionaire asshole pieces of shit literally only giving food or money to ADULT beggers — who have a shame about their desperate state being made public in a way that a children don't — and for their “acts of charity” they get money, influence, clout, and a say in the way that society runs that little old me does not.
So fine.
You may have seen my previous post asking if anybody wants to help her get shoes. Some 60 people saw it from all walks of life, but no one gave.
I don't blame them. Charity begins at home, not by sending money to someone you don't know to help a beggar child who may not exist.
Besides, what's one more or one less destitute human in a world full of suffering humans? The problem is societal. There's a solution. It's the one that heralds the messiah and would stave off the armageddon bearing down on the world. An armageddon that you can not see but I can. It's the solution I shared twice on my channel in the past month, once with a word for word translation of the color-by-number instructions that God had His Prophet shout at His People 2543 years ago, and which His People continue to snooze through each and every Highest Holy Day ever since then. It's the video in the previous post and I think everybody should watch it and get their friends, family and other networks to watch as well. Not for me. For Isaiah, for God, for you, for humanity’s imperiled future.
So what could I do but buy her shoes. And because THE ONLY REASON I myself was ABLE TO AFFORD to buy her shoes was thanks to the graciousness of my 10 paid subscribers, it would be wrong as fuck for me NOT to record and share a video that could potentially convince someone else to subscribe. I have no right NOT to commit the sordid act of sharing my kindness, even at the expense of my honor, the judgement of the rich assholes on whose stoop I videod and, I fear, even at the possibility of some mini momentary shame of the little girl herself.
Anyway, the good news is that she's very very cute and I’ll make sure to hang out with her family a bit tomorrow to make sure she doesn't feel exploited by the video. Even though, well, hell, she was.
I feel dirty as shit.
That's a terrible intro isn't it? Sorry, I just fuckin hate society. I love people but I hate the human herdishness that allows the least humane individuals on earth to organize and run society. There are more of US then there are of THEM, but WE are too afraid to be the first ones to step up and say no.
I’ve been saying NO, and so have my 10 subscribers. Maybe that will be enough.
Okay, all that said, you can relax. There's nothing wrong with the video and if you ever watched any other video of some “public do gooder” talking to a homeless person this one is actually a whole lot more touching and as close to respectfully mutual and non-exploitative as any such video possibly can be. Janna is smart, funny, happy, and a delight. She's also GENUINELY a good person. I say “person” rather than “2nd grader” because she's actually a whole lot more adult than most westerners 4 times her age. I mean that literally. Not poetically.
Becuse she's cute the few tourists who visit the area are more likely to give her food than to the older and sadder children so she LITERALLY hoards and distributes her bounty of half eaten pizza slices to kids - and even adults!! - in need. She's not a carefree child and as an orphan she never has been. She's a person. She isn't running on instinct or still in the throes of powerless toddlerhood. Her goodness isn't the result of clever conditioning by witty parents or teachers with advanced degrees in child manipulation. If you were on a council making important decisions for a community that you were a part of you would want her to have a vote on it. Not a play vote but a real vote because she would being genuine wisdom and understanding to the table.
Add to that her happy heart and generous spirit and you're looking at a person who the stupid STUPID world is dumb as fuck to leave out of it. On a street at the edge of the Sahara covered in the dung of camels…
I cut down the 3 minute video to the 45 seconds recording of YouTube Shorts but I can't bring myself to upload that short knowing that it won't be seen by enough people to do any good. Then again, my judgement on such things is notoriously bad on account of my overly christlike upbringing as I explained at the top of this post so I would truly like your input on whether to upload rhe video or not. If it gets enough views to give me actual “clout” then it would 100% be the righteous and good thing to do. Janna wouldn’t mind and perhaps even my own shame at uploading it would be assuaged by having a voice, and who knows? maybe even prosperity of my own. So please do tell me what you think. I don't need complicated explanations, a thumbs up or thumbs down would do and I’ll trust your judgement.
As for the full 3 minute video, hell the only reason I EVER have a “below the fold exclusively for paying subscribers” cut-off is because I need paying subscribers. Like I said, it's LITERALLY ONLY thanks to my current subscribers that I was able to buy her shoes in the first place, so to see the full video please join us as a paying subscriber.
Thank you.