I know that a great many people have strong and deep emotional sentiments regarding Donald Trump and his place within the political system.
I am very far from such sentiments.
I believe that enthusiasm regarding our political system is unwarranted, personally damaging to you yourself, and damaging to the world. (I was going to say damaging to the Republic, but there literally is no geographically localized Republic worth discussing. We are all in a single world system whether we like that or not.)
Playing the Red vs Blue pseudo-Democratic game means that you, and by extension everyone (but the very small cadre of people with real control) have pre-comitted to lose.
Were this a race between Gandhi vs Hitler it wouldn't matter.
The system is impervious to any truly popular change.
Nonetheless, because I presume that many of my readers do not yet fully believe me that attention to the current system is attention that is STOLEN from areas where you can spend it for a much higher return on investment I’ll share with you a detail of no political meaning whatsoever but which political junkies will want to read.
I understand certain things better than most people do. (Others I am sure I understand less well.)
I bet money on Trump taking the presidency in 2015 and each time it looked like he was over and done for I posted on facebook an update guaranteeing everybody that he would still win, no iffs, and, or buts.
I also predicted (and bet what small amount of money I had) that Trump would NOT be President on January 21st 2021 but that he would claim it was stolen.
I make no comment on whether it was or wasn't because the presidency is not actually real and I therefore don't care. But all of my predictions were correct.
What about now?
Here's what's been happening so far:
And here's what’s going to happen.
As you can imagine from my preamble I’m not following this thing at all but I just saw a mention of DeSantis having backed Trump which I assume means that something political is occuring. Exactly what Trump’s current fortunes are I neither know nor care but I am confident of the following.
If Trump has too easy a time he will not become President.
If however he faces OVERWHELMING opposition and odds (much more than he currently faces) then he will become president (so long as he is healthy and alive that is).
I can't explain how I know this and expect my words to be understood but for those who follow this particular sport as a guilty pleasure, I have told you the outcome.
Trump comes to life when he faces an overwhelming challenge, without it he is nothing.
He became president because EVERYBODY opposed him. Now that he's already been President, winning again is no big deal so he simply won't.
But put him on death row and he’ll be back. Guaranteed.
As for my own happy-go-lucky stoic jewish take on Trump, here it is: