The more I do and the more I prove the value in assisting me, the clearer it becomes how worthless nearly all of humankind is with regard to their ability to take even the smallest mental initiative.
Back when I was a 20-year-old boy trying to save an elderly man who was being burned and tortured in a basement in Grozny, I discovered, firsthand and without any doubt, that even those who sit at the top of the hierarchies of power or talent are immobile non-actors terrified of even having a thought of their own, never mind taking an action they all knew to be necessary and absolutely literally life-saving.
That's why you few, so very few, who have been supporting me these past few months are actually GIANTS.
You come from no discernible demographic. Due to my social upbringing, half of you are Jewish, but each of you is as independent of mainstream thinking as anybody else. In fact, you have additional chains binding you down from helping me in a world so very hierarchical.
And the other half includes various people who regard Jesus highly - all with very independent thoughts on the matter - some as a God, other as but a tale in an ancient book.
And there are people with little to no background in anything that can be called Judaic whatsoever.
You are each independent spiritual heroes of individualism.
I hope you appreciate the full fact of that.
In a world of lemmings, you are the 1 in 100,000 who ignores the tide and follows his or her (yes! 3 of my supporters are even women!) own heart, soul, and mind.
You are great, and it is a privilege to be in communion with you.
Rabbi Moshe Rudner