Should there be ears to hear I have much to say.
But I have more to do.
I believe that some of the people who invaded Israel were not monsters. Or at least don't want to be.
I believe that short of abandoning realpolitik for the messianic, Israel has to do now what it has to do.
I support the messianic, but I am not Prime Minister.
Realpolitik requires that > X multiple Arabs be killed as Israelis were killed.
Yes there are goals but if you think that Bibi has ANY PLAN for what to do you probably believe that Bush had a plan.
For now Bibi’s political life, legacy and possibly freedom hang in the balance.
Don't get me wrong, Bibi was (relatively) unfairly harassed and hassled for the crime of being the majority choice. Heck, the tzachtzachim’s choice. That has been the fate of every one of The People's Choice ever since the Senators assassinated Caesar in the sacred forum.
But right or wrong, popular leaders tend to go down hard, so when they risk losing it all they swing wildly and do things like surrendering parts of their own country to create a terrorist nation in your midst while being Ariel Sharon! 🔥🔥🔥
All of which is to say that while I hope that Bibi succeeds in turning every Gazan into the Chofetz Chaim, right now the only rational objective for a politician, particularly one in as precarious a personal situation as himself, is to murder lots and lots of Gazans and Let The Lord Sort Them Out.
Is it morally justified?
Sure. More than sure, it’s the moral responsibility of every organism to defend its life at the cost of every other life (other than its children if we're being technical).
And in this instance for Israel that means
A. Satisfying the >5 million year old primal bloodlust of righteously indignant primates
B. Instilling a terrible memory and perpetual fear into the hearts of Gazan
As I said, I demand from Fate, God, and Man the opportunity to play Jesus here (minus the persecution and magic) but until then I demand that Bibi and all of Israel [other than the conscripted who should follow all lawful orders rather than debate their wisdom so long as they are in uniform] to look the realities of A and B squarely in the face before making the leap.
Israel needs leaders who do not talk about elections and who aren't politically skilled. Such a leader can look the people in the eye and they will know whether there is agreement on what must be done or not.
There are great men in Israel who can speak to the people of Gaza. They are, after all, a captive audience.
It can even be done alongside a fluctuating level of killing depending upon his succe——— oh, do I make you nauseous with this robotic blood accounting, regarding how many children you must kill? Imagine how you will feel in a year…
My God!
Grant me the opportunity.
I will go to Gaza.
We are on the cusp of either rising to meet the moment or going out with either a bang or a whimper, I don't yet know.
All I know for sure is that looking back on 6,000 years of history it will be obvious to every last one of us that we were given a heavenly playground here on earth and that we blew it.
The problem with retributive murder as a national policy is that any fear it instills in the short term is outweighed by generational grief and anger that leads to retribution in turn. This is a story as old as humanity. (Remember Koom Valley!)