Today's video is long. There's an opportunity here like no other.
Fortune are those who understand what they see.
As a man’s dignity and well-being are tied up in the message of this video I am forbidden from withholding any information that can help.
Here is the top part of the first comment on this video from an excellent and knowledgeable individual. I don't think he is on Substack (yet) so you know that I’m not flattering him. He genuinely has shown himself (or possibly herself) to be knowledgeable, caring, and impressive.
My response is as personal and straightforward as anything on video but perhaps something comes across in text that isn't easily seen on video.
Thank you for reading.
$36 is a common Jewish number because it's 2 times 18 which is the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word Life.
The main reason I keep asking for Subscribers is because otherwise I will die.
I have found myself unable to make it in "Me-Capitalism".
I believed too strongly all my life in taking responsibility for the happiness and life of all of the people in the world, all made in the image of God.
I tried it. I tried it to the point of being the only person in all the world to save the life of a man who was being tortured to death in Chechnya. And many many more such examples, one of which I mentioned at the very end of this video.
I tried it until I was 26 years old. Fasting, kindness, spreading cheer, spreading optimism, involving others in acts of kindness, etc.
The fact that I could be left bereft of any security or even a roof over my head because I was simply unable to believe things that Orthodox Jews are supposed to believe shocked me then and shocks me again today.
People say that I'm smart or likeable or whatever and should have business opportunities, positions, and girls thrown at me.
Maybe they are and I just don't know how to catch them, but the truth is, that in our world of organizations there is no room for the honest man who doesn't want or need more than anyone else, but who just wants to make sure that everyone has enough.
So I am hungry and due to be homeless tomorrow.
But I can't accept pity charity. I can't degrade my message by being a pity case.
I can only accept financial help or organizational assistance from Friends (the Quaker term "Friends" likely comes from the Hebrew word Re'im that I discussed in this video).
Friends who are on board with me. Friends who don't give me money as a good deed but out of their own desires.
I don't claim to speak for God. I believe I am trying my best. And as such I may be degraded with charity phrased as charity. I can only accept the Strength that comes from financial assistance gladly given.
I do not want to be a suffering servant. I do not seek to take the place of Jesus. And I do not regard myself as any more a child of God than you are.
I stand besides my brothers and sisters, fellow children of the Earth, in the sight of Yahweh and I try everything available to my spirit, mind, heart, and body to rescue us all. My own body today and all the world very very soon.
I do not know Divine Calculations but in the silence of Mankind I hear a world heckling, "let his blood be upon us and upon our children". And because I know that I am not a divinity any more than you or any of my other brothers snd sisters I can not truthfully pray, "forgive them Father, they know not what they do".
So while I would certainly put 10 million dollars to uses that I believe humankind would be grateful for, I don't know how to effectively make that claim or to whom.
So I ask for $36.
And yes, the Nazarites were the more prominent of the groups whose name came down to us. There are also the Ebionites and seemingly others. I appreciate your knowing about them.
I don't want to divide the world ny ideology or theology. But I believe there is much for Jews to understand from Yehoshua and from the people who revere him. And there is much for those who revere Yehoshua to learn from the Jews.
I try to bridge the many world I know. Thus far I have found religious people to fall so short that they aren't likely to be saved when the ultimate Day Of Yahweh hits.
But I have found non-monotheists to lack even any coherent morality to fall short of.
So, for all of my discomfort with theological wars, if there is hope, for my own survival and for mankind's, it will have to be ignited by Devotees.
I wish it were by Jews because their failures embarrass me and because I still hope that my brotherly whimper can reach them, but Christians are my brothers no less and as an acolyte of "The Truth&The Shalom" if non-Jews step up to the plate I will say that truth.
Better that Jews be embarrassed than that I be homeless.
I believe that is the Will of God.