There's a new cool article out by “Scott Alexander” that you may find to be an instructive read. Feel free to comment on it here.
I was about to hit SEND on the following comment I wrote there when I decided against it.
Hi Scott, I'm a human.
It's nice to play historian and look at which MEME wins in the end but to humans like you, me, and all the Christians who died along the way for the success of their meme, pain and pleasure are real, visceral, things.
As a human being I have lived the part of altruistic Giver, with the majority of my Giving obviously being to those who had less - in fact to those who had LEAST.
For example, I spent thousands of hours bringing Life to people dying in a dingy hospice. People who had nothing with which to repay me. People with no future.
Rather than ask you to study the hundreds of videos and articles I've shared to zero effect I'll ask you to watch just one. A video that was intended to be private but which the recipient didn't even watch so I made it public.
The reason I didn't publish it is because I know where the comment came from. It came from the Jewish Programming that Ben Hecht wrote about in his mind-blowing book A Guide for the Bedevilled back in 1943.
[continued for paid subscribers]…