I talk about “God” a lot because in the language I speak (and everyone speaks) there is no other word that encapsulates certain important things that need to be felt and ought to be communicated.
Most of what I say about God is my frustration about how easy it is to misinterpret my meaning for something either irrational or downright false and dangerous. Which is why I repeatedly ask readers and viewers, when in doubt about my meaning, to let it slide and just assume the best. As I do when others say something that seems wrong to me but which can at least theoretically be read in a correct and good light.
God told me to try and do various things for him over these past few years. If you read my Substack and watch my YouTube you know what they are.
I have yet to do them all, and I am confused about the fact that I seem to have had such little success with them, but I am not confused that they were right to say and do.
One more thing I'm supposed to do, before Rosh Hashanah (tomorrow) is to ask you, via the internet to give me $180,000.
I assumed it wouldn't be necessary as my other efforts would have success and I would have what I need for the Jubilee Year starting tomorrow.
I was wrong so it seems I'm still supposed to do that.
To that end, please give me $180,000 or whatever you can that does not cut in to your own needs.
Here are some of the ways you can do so:
Paypal: https://paypal.me/Mafimushkele
Zelle: moshejrudner@gmail.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ydydy
Venmo: @moshejrudner
CashApp: moshejrudner@gmail.com
Google Pay: moshejrudner@gmail.com
Those are not the “Family Matters” relevant to the title, but of my various obligations to God at this time, asking for $180,000 so I can go into the Jubilee Year as I am supposed to, is my most pressing pre-Rosh-Hashana requirement.
The “Family Matters” are important to share, especially with people who are either Orthodox Jews or who have “family matters” of their own to content with.
Nevertheless, because they relate to other people whose privacy is important I can only share it לתועלת (Li-Toeles = for those whom I can trust it will serve a good practical purpose).
For that reason, everything after the Subscribe button will (unfortunately) need to be available only to paying members whose decision to pay for membership is indicative of their trustworthiness and of their general worthiness too.