Hamas truly IS evil
You have no idea how carefully they chose precisely what to do.
They studied our psychology and religion and made detailed plans how to get us.
They don't really understand us, so a great deal of their intention will not come to pass.
But make no mistake about what they wanted to do.
And what they still want to do.
They want to destroy our souls if not our bodies.
Our souls are more easily ruined.
And from a greater distance.
The degree of evil intent is overwhelming.
Fortunately they are klutzy pereh adam who misunderstood us by a wide margain, but make no mistake, Hamas ביקש לעקור את הכל.
And they aren't very charitable at home either.
Their gunmen are literally homeless, starving criminals and drug addicts who are walking into certain death because Hamas owns their drug and bread supply.
Gaza is a horror.
Hamas aren't a gang of kids playing for turf, they consider themselves Men of History and are playing for keeps.