In this: The year 5949 from the metaphorical Beginning of Civilization, how is it possible that a hundred million Americans allow themselves
• to work at an upsetting job
• for small wages
• just to eat and stay warm ??!
This system is unacceptable.
And no one should accept it.
It isn't ‘the fault’ of this business, that political party or any particular individual or group.
It aint the fault of capitalists, communists, satanists, zoroastrians, racists, wokesters or any other colorful demographic real or imagined upon whom it would be oh so simple to lay the blame for our astonishingly backwards society.
Not shall the fix come through some vengeful act of rebellion or in the fomenting of what Herr Marx would call class antipathies.
The present system is ideal for no one.
Sure, it's worse for the poor people than for the rich but I promise you a serious increase in equality will not cost the wealthy any of their pleasures.
Many folk fantasize that the greatest of the joys available to the wealthy is the joy in knowing that they can afford what the poor man can't.
That was the idiotic theory of a certain Thorstein Veblen whom HL Mencken properly put in his place as an envious know-nothing whose writings are 99% obfuscatory pretensions to intelligence.
The truth about Veblen’s theories of conspicuous consumption extend approximately as far as inebriated bachelor parties and the wealthy dupes whose naivete is exploited to create price points for “modern art”.
The good things in life are good even if everyone else gets to enjoy them too.
It is however a true fact that everywhere monotheism has gained ground no overclass has ever been able to live without fear.
You have no idea what wealthy people will do out of the slightest fears to their security.