This video was originally set to private and available only to Noah Fried himself.
He didn't watch it.
It's not an accusatory video about him but a humble defense of myself.
The accusation against him is below.
Noah is a fellow I briefly knew in Jerusalem nearly 30 years ago.
As my regular viewers know I am desperately trying to bring brotherhood to a world that is furiously rushing towards ever greater tribal hatreds and eventually oblivion.
I believe that the Biblical Jubilee reset is the best chance mankind has to get its head straight and that is just a week away.
Along the way, I have been attempting to show, via my own personal example, that people are generally good but that THE SYSTEMS within which we all live are bad.
After trying everything else, I surrendered to the fact that to get the world's attention in one fell swoop will require money and expertise from the very system that must be destroyed.
I made this video and YouTube buried it:
So I turned to Noah Fried, requesting a face to face meeting.
He, being an arrogant wealthy individual of the sort that every prophet has railed against (and every Rabbi and power aspirant has sucked up to -- Isaiah 1:23) preferred to just string me along with half sensible demonstrations of his inability to read and comprehend simple matters.
My repeated explanations that, as a "new product" in the world there was no possible way for him to understand me without a face to face chat, and that he could literally change the world for the better with a simple drop of his treasury so could he please give me the time, only inspired in him the pleasure to send further textual critiques of what he did not understand.
Finally he seemed to have landed on a decision:
"My issue is that I don’t see any scenario where that is even 0.001% in keeping with fundamental Jewish values. It makes me concerned that you are going through a difficult period which may potentially be affecting your judgement. I am happy to hear otherwise.”
Well, the first sentence is simple enough. What specific tortured logic he utilized for that is entertaining but less relevant than the latter sentence.
Nonetheless, let us be entertained.
I rewrote and shared with him his easy chance to save the world for a few pennies and shared it with him:
Needless to say I regard Israel's way of acting horrifying in the extreme, but only because there is a better option -- Me -- speaking live to tens of millions of warring combatants all at once.
Jews of course don't want to get Holocausted again so (like all Peoples) when a strong man comes along promising to break all the rules in order to protect them, they like that.
So I reassured our luxurious billionaire, that, don't worry, Bibi wouldn't be prosecuted or punished. Because, after all, within the insane Cain vs Abel realpolitik that rules the world every nation commits immense evil that their populace considers necessary, from sexual blackmail to tortures to mass murder. So long as we believe in competition as the reigning ethos and that "greed is good", well, you can't blame leaders for playing by the disgusting necessities such an ethos demands.
There's no way to know for sure because (and this may surprise you) worldclass wealthy people are rarely so due to their overpowering brain power and ability to communicate with sincerity and clarity but I think his first condemnatory sentence (“I don’t see any scenario where that is even 0.001% in keeping with fundamental Jewish values”) is him pretending not to know that the Epstein thing was an intelligence operation designed (for all powerful parties, not just the mossad, but the USA, Britain and numerous wealthy connected people like himself) as a means of obtaining sexual blackmail and an enforced shared destiny (and happy comraderie!) among the elites.
So he feigns horror at the thought of what he certainly knows to be true (especially after I shared with him my VERY FIRST VIDEO on this channel — as the ONLY non-reporter at Maxwell's Trial) and uses it as a perch from which to condemn.
But to condemn with sadness, for he is not just a prudent man but a holy one. Hence...
"It makes me concerned that you are going through a difficult period which may potentially be affecting your judgement. I am happy to hear otherwise."
What a sweetie pie.
The fact that I lack money even to fix my teeth, pay rent or pay YouTube to stop shadowbanning me is known to him. I make no secret of it and even mentioned it to him myself in my lengthy abortive attempt to have a human conversation with him.
My struggle for pennies (which he knows I share with those who have even less) is not what concerns him. Nor about which he would be "happy to hear otherwise". It's just that, as a lifelong nepo baby born into more money than the gross national output of Mexico his go-to is that the poor must be confused.
Which is reason enough to ignore him.
In a final annoyed willingness to take the defensive stand I tried to remind him of who I am so that he could make his own sound judgement regarding the soundness of mine.
That's what this private video to him was.
Apparently bored by now, he chose not to watch it and to ghost me instead.
There are however other wealthy people. Perhaps some of whom are smarter and more honest, for whom this video would be elucidating and offer an unparalleled opportunity to do good, so here it is.