Adam and Eve Had Nothing To Hide
Welcome to Yedidya,
I hope you’ll subscribe and take part. We’re planning on having a lot of fun (may the winds be at our backs!)
If you subscribe out of curiosity and find yourself feline, you can unsubscribe and I’ll return your cold hard bitcoin
You still get to keep your free 15 episode podcast gift of Yedidya: Story of The Jews (oh yeah, there is such a gift) on the complete story of the Jews.
GENUINELY, I would love for you to join out of curiosity and quit if you wanna then not to try it. I mean, it’ll cut into my fentanyl budget but I can always find copper wires.
If it were up to me everything I shared would be free, but it ain't up to me.
So join and quit if you like. We'd still be totally cool. Promise.