My upbringing was peculiar.
To say that I had a similar upbringing to Jesus would be to understate it.
For pretty understandable reasons my parents regarded Jesus and All His Works as so obviously evil incarnate that it didn't even have to be said. It is likely that no ancestor of mine either read or had even the slightest idea what any part of the new testament was about for at least the past few hundred years, and perhaps since literally forever.
So when I venturing into the deep caverns beyond all of the increasingly frantic signs shouting in ever more dire language ☠️☠️☠️DO NOT ENTER! ☠️☠️☠️ I had no genuine idea of what to expect.
My discovery of my own upbringing and yiddishe neshama as the backdrop to the Torah of the Goyim was rather surprising.
I won't go into any greater detail right now than that thing which just set me to write the following words (as I don’t presently have the audience size to justify doing so*) but, for right now, have a looksee at this precious little bit from within Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount.
There is nothing you can say to convince me that this is not an exact quote by my mother ingeniously retrofitted into the Book of Matthew.
Not because it sounds like something my mother would say, but it's because… it's what my mother would literally say.
All the time.