It isn't hard to understand why Rabbi Skifkin and most of the Israeli population go mad by the fact that Chareidim act like they are especially worthy of government subsidies, while denigrating the necessity of serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.
I doubt that view needs much explication.
That said, let's ignore the supernatural rationales employed by chareidi representatives for why this should be so and take a nakedly honest look at the matter from their perspective.
A) They are afraid. Many have not worked for generations and are aware of how poorly they would perform if they suddenly did.
B) The ultimate chareidi basis for their beliefs lies in the fear of rationality. See here:
They are able to be who they want to be socially and religiously because they are required to believe and state blatantly irrational things One Single Step beyond their ghettoed intellectual world is likely to cost the adherence of 99% of the scions of Meah Shearim. No parent wants their children to look down on them as backward or to lose their children's respect.
C) Even were the yeshiva system changed overnight and Rambamesque Rationality made the core curriculum, the vast vast vast majority of people would still choose to be and believe as do the majority. This was in fact the primary reason for opposition to maimonides everywhere. VERY FEW Torah scholars could keep themselves from reading and loving the Moreh Nevuchim (Guide For The Perpelxed). In fact there are more commentaries on it by rishonim and acharaonim (widely regarded rabbis of the past 800 years) than on any other non-halachic Jewish book. What they opposed was disseminating this book to the masses — precisely as Maimonides himself did.