The world is asleep and I have not succeeded in awakening them.
Being able to understand the present and see the future places a tremendous burden upon me.
But it is a responsiblity I can not acquit alone.
On October 6th I informed you that my efforts had been futile.
God does not send prophets to show off that he knows the future. Nor does he send them so that after the prophet’s death people can self-castigate and mutter, “boy, we should have listened”.
I assume that you either do not realize the truth of my words or that you are already doing all you can to get me into the public eye.
I thank you for that.
But only you know if it's true.
We have an opportunity today greater than any given to our ancestors. We can reach the entire world - at once - and thus avoid generations worth of misunderstandings and bloodshed as we spring into our new, open-hearted, friendly world of freedom and fearlessness.
For the love of yourself, your world and your God, please help me.
The means of promoting myself to people with platforms (podcasts, news media, social media, etc) have not been revealed to me. Nor have the means of acquiring money been revealed to me.
I don't understand why I should have been gifted with such understanding, sympathy and fearlessness if I was unable to implement these gifts effectively, but I have a pretty solid theory.
God is uninterested in my saving the world alone.
It's likely that there is much about me that is off-putting or doesn't come across well and God is offering the world the opportunity to accept or reject me based upon these immutable human characteristics. He is giving YOU the opportunity to see whether you can overcome the limitations he built into me.
I can see no other reason for how it is that, despite my broadly recognized intelligence, I have been indigent for all my 50 years.
I am being tested and so are you.
Please win this test.
Please support me and please use your own God-granted skills and free will to give humanity the opportunity to hear me.