Sep 24Liked by Yadidya (YDYDY)

Yadidya, your post reminded me of a battle the Rambam fought on a different front ( I heard this from Rav Berek Wein shlita). When people were talking too much during chazarat hashas, the Rambam ruled that everyone should say the amidah out loud to prevent the chillul Hashem of gentile visitors to the schul seeing people talking during prayers. The Rambam admitted that he had no halachic source but yet this was necessary. ...

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I was fortunate to learn from Rav Noach Weinberg that Rambam was eight about nearly everything. Read his Hilchot Tfilla. His davening was in some crucial ways different to ours.

Today davening is unfortunately, in general, a race through foreign syllables - almost a hocus pocus mitzvah. Rambam understood that Tfillah is supposed to DO something.

There's much to say about it, but the mainnthing to say is that the bakashot brachot (after the first few of praise and the last few of thanks) should include a few silent words of our own, addressing God, as one who loves us and wamts us to have that which we desire and need, which pertains to the individual bracha.

Sorry for not having called you yet. I will as soon as I am able. I'm very very glad that you found me.

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