Note: The following is a response comment to a woman on Michael Moore's blog who pointed out his one-sided sympathies regarding the current Israel Wars and was receiving a lot of shit for it, so I stepped in.
I didn't intend to publish it here as it was written in haste in a comment box, and is missing the local context of Michael Moore's page, but 3 separate people contacted me requesting that I elevate it to an official Yadidya Letter so I've agreed to do so.
It requires close attention. Much of what I explain here does not exist in any popular paradigm in the public consciousness.
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You are correct.
Please listen closely.
The Elites run the world.
Michael, a rich and gifted fellow is one of them. It's altogether possible that he is one of the good ones. I don't know. But his antisemitism arises from the same place every antisemite catches that particular sniffle.
See, every homo sapien on the planet is aware that the rich are withholding their vast stores of food, clothes, homes, dental implants and money/security necessary to date, marry and reproduce. And that the rich only provide the 99% from their store of homes, gas and implants to those who will shine their shoes, nanny their children or suck their dick.
The system is one of slavery. A pyramid scheme from the Trump/Gates/Musk/Soros/Saudis and silent billionaires, down to those at the very bottom who (in every land on this planet) must deal with trash and excrement in exchange for bread and water (smiles, safety and pride not included).
So, for one, we are ALL complicit. The non-complicit end up dead or imprisoned. The system eats them all.
But it's worse than that.
Everyone also knows, admits and strives to THEMSELVES become one of the hoarding rich. So railing against this system feels like shooting their own dreams in the head.
It isn't that humans aren't generous and kindly by nature. We are. And in stronger measures than our competitive and exploitative instincts (which the Bible metaphorizes as the lately-come viral meme that only arose in force when humans discovered agriculture and thus the ability to store and hoard wealth, along with the necessity to practice deception and the attending fear of being transparently seen for who we really are).
But the system is the system and history has well recorded what happens to those who turn the other cheek, so nobody really considers overthrowing it in favor of brotherhood, nor are they greatly bothered by the evils they must commit because after all for most of us greater evils are being done against us than we are doing to others.
In such a System, revered as The Only Way, the slave-folk still feel a need to hate SOMEBODY! "The Man" is keeping them down! But who and where is "The Man"?
If not Warren Buffet, whom they hope to become, then whom?
Happily, The "God of the Jews" has provided a ready-made people to fear and loathe. All in the service of His design.
Judaism, you see, is a Meme Aiming For World Perfection Via The Golden Rule.
That's what it is.
The meme's goal of pointing society's attention to the simple fact that rather than schemingly competing against each other we would all be better off (perhaps nearly utopian so) ENJOYING THE NATURAL PLEASURE of enlivening and happifying our a tough goal to achieve.
But The Meme has its ways.
The Jews need to either be an almost exception-free EXEMPLARY people... OR (if millions of more or less regular humans with funny noses can't too easily turn into a nation of Mahatmas) to suffer stochastic public suffering in order to draw attention to and reinforce The Meme through a steadily burning light of traumatized suffering servants.
So the Jewish Meme offers The Jews two options: BE PERFECT and inspire and teach the rest of humankind... or BE DIFFERENT, and apart, and stick out like a sore thumb, making yourselves visible, easy, obvious scapegoats for the sins of all mankind.
This Rabbi's Claim Will Shock The World
All I have to sell is BROTHERHOOD
Want to hate The Rulers? "Hey, look how many Cohens and Zuckerbergs are among the Rulers!"
Are most people born to Jewish parents wealthy? Hell no. But who has time for math. The Jews don't eat at McDonalds, they pray funny, dress funny, and yadda yadda yadda...
All of the MANY things that the Bible planned out for them to ensure that they remain a noticeable SEPARATE PEOPLE, and thereby either get their shit together so perfectly as to successfully overcome humanity's natural paranoid tribalism or, lacking such superhuman holiness, to live a hectic evolutionary existence of booms and busts in rapid succession as they try to make their schizophrenic way in a world that operates opposite to the values that define them.
The Jews are MADE to be scapegoats. The Bible does not shy from its intentions here at all.
And the world is only too happy to have such a prepared and tagged scapegoat at the ready.
Are you a craftsman who was turned into a nameless, faceless, replaceable cog living in the dark as a galley slave on Henry Ford's assembly line? Sucks, doesn't it. There's a solution! For Christmas Henry Ford will give you a free copy of his book explaining how the Jews are your real enemy.
Michael's unfriendly grimace at the Juden has a similar parentage.
My comment on his first post in the current trinity shared my friendly chortle at his claim that, "Jews lust to genocide Catholics and always have, ever since they killed the first Catholic, named Jesus Christ God.”
Okay, maybe that's a paraphrase, but by God was it the message! 😂 Look it up yourself. Presumably he doesn't edit himself or others so his words and my comment should still be there.
I laughed because I thought he was but being bitterly biting by bringing up the ancient unpleasantness of the Jews having captured and murdered God... But, my lord! The fella really finds the Jews odious! I mean, I myself am angry as FUCK at my people... for reasons I've explained at length, but Mikey genuinely regards them as SO MUCH WORSE than other peeps that he must endlessly draw his audience to his misguided misunderstandings about the Jews with full utilization of the Complete Antisemite's Thesaurus.
Overdone Mikey. Overdone.
[NOTE: I am NOT calling Michael an antisemite. What the hell even is that? It's as alienizing and dehumanizing as any other epithet. He's a DUDE! A human dude. This branding of people as "Antisemites" by wealth-proclaimed Jewish "leaders" whose synagogue is the country club and boardroom is absolutely disgusting. Mike's a dude. A human. And probably a pretty cool one. You can be a human and still suffer hallucinatory sights and smells -- certainly regarding such colorful and highly emotive matters as the ancient-and-continuing confusing people of Israel.]
Back to America, Herr Moore (kidding!) obviously can't promote hate of the wealthy, lucky, and blessedly competent because he is all 3 of those.
But the Jews are all made-up and costumed for instant dehumanization, reasons be damned.
There are no new lines to learn when picking on the Jews.
I have a very different way of ending the indescribable horrors in Gaza than by spitting at the Jews without giving a single rational thought to their reasons.
And I (WHO CREATED HASBARA AND WAS ITS FIRST RABBI, LECTURER, AUTHOR, AND INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADOR) could not have been clearer about it in hundreds of articles and hundreds of videos.
Why haven't you heard about me?
Because Michael Moore prefers to respond to "Fuck You" emails than to well-written and well-sourced entreaties for a moment of his attention from one of his own subscribers.
Again, the dude's just human. Please don't confuse my words for hatred, condemnation, or any such nonsense. I like the guy!
But as the man in the fuckin trenches, I think I have a right to call out the wealthy, lucky, skilled man on the hill for the hypocrisy of using his privilege to monopolize the microphone playing his favorite re-runs rather than at least giving a goddamn hearing to somebody who may ACTUALLY SUCCEED AT ENDING THE WAR.
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