I've been saying for quite a while that most of the problems in the world are due to people thinking that they themselves are inherently monstrous.
This assumption leads to all sorts of self-fearing, self-condemning, and self-punishing and to a thousandfold paranoia and presumption of guilt of others.
In truth, humans' minds, emotions, beliefs and actions have a great deal of stretch.
The exact same dude can whistle Beethoven while packing up Zyklon-B for shipment or while packing up food parcels to give to the poor. He is a creature whose ethics are almost entirely shaped by outside forces and so long as he acts in accordance with the popular ethics around him he feels like a gooddog and is happy.
So if you want to know what an unruled homo sapien is like, in other words, what our true nature is like, you've got to find a special specimen.
Donald Trump is one such specimen.
It's certainly true that if you were suddenly unconstrained by God, Ethics, Law and the opinions of your parents/children/everyone-else you would not morph into Donald Trump overnight.
You probably wouldn't spurt to 6 foot 2 and if you did, you probably wouldn't add 1.5 inch lifts to your soles.
Most likely after a brief orgy of vengeance against your prior state of enslavement and a naive grasping at fantasies you'd discover that baby's blood ain't quite all that