Who cares what some ancient people thought?
A correspondence under the following YouTube Short continues here:
This video received over 3,000 views and 50 👍🏻.
https://youtube.com/shorts/uQEjdsYzcM4?feature=shared followed by…
A fair question and well phrased. Thank you for offering this clarification. Hearted.
This particular Short makes a very small claim. The speaker (me) says that of the languages he knows, The Israelite language as expressed in The Bible and beyond offers us not exactly a "step by step" guide to an Edenic world or else, well.... at least SOME Bible-appreciating people would already be living that eay and we would all have joined them already!
What it gives us is a conceptual *language* for thinking about *and discussing* ideas surrounding Eden/Messiah/Utopia. And THAT'S why I am encouraging you to gain familiarity with it.
Speaking to its "credibility", The Torah (The 5 Books of Moses) is universally agreed upon by Jews, Christians and (with some reservations) Muslims as being the first fundamental part of the Bible. IOW, it's at the front of their (Christian and Jewish) Bibles.
That books makes very few of the claims that its worshippers make on its behalf…