This comment was in response to this concluding video of the 15 videos in our 10 Commandments series (click here for the complete playlist)
Thanks for your great questions.
They are both too complex for a response within this limited space but I will at least treat the first one, as at least here, the only variable that needs to be discussed is how "IT", can be described in the Bible in ways that are both ABSOLUTE ("there is nothing else" and "YHWH is ONE"), and "smaller", such as in the way that it is perceived through the human experiences of the people in the Bible and how they convey this to matter to ourselves, as fellow humans.
So, setting aside the second matter, and dealing now only with the first:
There is YHWH, and there is "how we humans relate to YHWH.
Maimonides wrote detailed kabbalistic minutiea about these matters (as did tens of thousands of others, but he did it best).
YHWH is that which can't even be confined by a word. "YHWH" is not a word but a sound that indicates imperceptibly.
Every letter used to "define" IT, is a compromise on its reality.
From our puny perspective as people there are "divine" matters that we regard as beyond the full understanding of our current science and therefore resort to metaphysical termsnto discuss. The term "malach", meaning 'messnger' or 'angel' is the easiest example of that to showcase.
To understand these better all I can recommend is a 2 year full day course in Maimonides.
His own belief was that when intensive, face to face, study was impossible the correct thing to do was to share a nugget of information that may inspire the right candidate towards productive thoughts without spelling things to a degree that you are likely to find the truths you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
The next few verses therefore can only be for people who I know by their $36 committment are not likely to be knaves.