WARNING: This piece will trigger 99 out of 100 readers; each for a different reason. I wrote it on behalf of that 1 person in 100 who would so earnestly love to know The Big Truths that he wants to be triggered if that's what it takes. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
As someone incapable of being a servant and uncomfortable with being a boss, I've had a tough row to hoe.
The simple fact is that The Worldwide Economy is based upon one simple principle:
The greatest advantage one country has over another is its economy.
This is not new. Human “co-operation” is what outcompeted our fellow Simians and hominins alike.
In smart circles calling someone a Neanderthal is no longer an insult. It is now known with near certainty that they had larger brains and were smarter than us. What they lacked was the capacity to be ruled.
Neanderthal art and Neanderthal tools are more varied and interesting than the art and tools of our primary ancestral group (whom we humorously term Sapiens).
Humans had toolmaking factories, with bosses and workers. Neanderthals worked alone or in small intimate groups.
I myself have unearthed the abundant output of our tool-making Sapien ancestors in a number of countries. There are areas where you can stick your hand into the dirt and pull up nearly identical arrowheads — over acres and acres and acres…
The God of the Jews is The Exemplary Individualist.
It is the Jews who remember a thought-free egalitarian Eden, and the Jews who recorded Samuel’s denunciation of their forefathers for choosing servitude under Kingship despite all its obvious drawbacks because it was the only way not to be swallowed up by their neighbors.
But God is in Heaven and I am here.
Judaism is replete with the finest mottos known to man.
Yet — the dearest hopes and dreams of humanity are recorded and recited by a People who discover, generation after generation, that those who would not be slaves must be masters.
Their professional holy ones are cloistered away from a world in which they can not survive. They spend their lives making noise over imaginary riddles with the greatest of earnestness while they butter their bread with the guilt-taxed lard acquired by their most compromised cousins.
Yet again, out of this moral cacophony emerges continual updates to the melodic poetry that sustains the soul of Man.
I want to provide a shtickl Mencken here but this isn't the Beis Medrash, this is real life. And what matters for my purposes is the fact that those who can not be servants and would not be masters are excluded from the worldwide bread and pillow cartel.
Mencken was confused by the odd fact that the Jews who, “could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of… from time immemorial, have been the chief dreamers of the human race, and beyond all comparison its greatest poets”.
His brilliant student, Ben Hecht, figured it out during the holocaust: The consolation prize of victimhood is that beautiful idealism that drives humankind forward more surely than the uniquely tiny balls of its masculine members.
The death of Jesus was such an example.
He redeemed the world with his death. Not from some fanciful hell earned by some mythical forebearer eating a literal fruit he was told not to — but from living in a world without the dream that all men are created equal, and share equal value, if not in the eyes of Man, at least in the eyes of Truth Itself.
But he also died.
His unwillingness to be either master or servant has so confused mankind that they chalked it up to his having been sui generis among those who walked the Earth.
This he was not. I know where he came from and I know where he went. What matters most to me right now is the latter matter. He went the way of all flesh. And far too young for his liking.
In doing so he gave life to later men, but at the cost of his own one-and-done existence, a deal I promise you he would not have accepted. The martyrs who followed him really thought that they were going to heaven. Jesus knew better.
The Christians are right about Jesus having been a sacrifice to the God of The Old Testament. That's exactly what he was.
Most Jews know better and have always known better than to risk a sacrificial death. From the “blessings” that Isaac gave his sons, to The Tale of The Mordechai Who Would Not Bow Jews have learned - the hard way - that those who can not be slaves must be willing to be masters, for that is the way of the world until the Final Master, a messiah, breaks all bonds and by absorbing all authority into his own hands will be able to dissolve it forever.
On that day, the prophet metaphorically describes the wolf lying with the lamb and, less metaphorically, each man reclining in independence under his own vine and fig tree with no one to fear.
But not before.
I have gone as far as I could shouting for brotherhood, it's time I accept the fact that if I can not be an employee I must be a boss.
Needless to say this applies only to those who will not accept me as a brother. For those who do, the complete, amazing quote from HL Mencken is freely provided below the fold, with additional essential insights.