Do you believe in Good?

The Yadidya Vision of a Better World

Are you bored of watching the world's problems grow while feeling powerless to change them? Yadidya offers a different path - one where your voice matters from day one.

Born to Holocaust survivors in New York's Orthodox Jewish community, Yadidya's journey has taken him far beyond those roots. His mother's insistence on passport photos without his yarmulka "just in case" instilled in him a readiness to challenge conventions when necessary.

At 18, Yadidya moved to Jerusalem, where he spent eight years as a tour guide in the Old City. This experience opened his eyes to the diversity of human beliefs and the potential for connection across cultural divides.

Join Yadidya's Movement

Yadidya's global odyssey took him from the neon-lit streets of Las Vegas to remote Turkish villages. In Las Vegas, he embarked on a modern-day Robin Hood adventure, outsmarting casinos to redistribute winnings to the homeless. This experience shaped his views on economic justice and the need for creative solutions to societal problems.

In Turkey, Yadidya's philosophy of fearless engagement was put to the test. Near Sanliurfa, he encountered a local man who bluntly told him, "You're very lucky I didn't have you killed." Instead of retreating, Yadidya engaged the man in conversation, challenging his claim with genuine curiosity. By the end of their interaction, Yadidya had been invited back to explore more of the area, demonstrating the transformative power of open and respectful dialogue.

Yadidya's core values and vision:

• Free Speech and Intellectual Rigor: The best ideas emerge when openly and respectfully debated.

• Friendly Conflict Resolution: Moving beyond zero-sum thinking to find solutions that benefit all parties.

• Actual Social Justice: Ensuring everyone has a real stake in society, economically, politically, and socially.

• Education, Enlightenment, and Experience for all: Recognizing each individual's greatness and dignity and fostering lifelong involvement, study, and exploration.

Co-Create Our New Community

Join us in creating a world where optimism triumphs over paranoia, where truth is our compass, and where we embrace life fully without fear. Your $36 contribution ignites real change:

Currently in Egypt, Yadidya's work shatters preconceptions and transforms lives:

• Rescuing families from despair: When a widowed mother of five wept over her inability to send her daughter Jana to school, Yadidya's intervention provided shoes, housing, and hope—igniting change that rippled through the entire community.

• Defying dangerous stereotypes: As a rabbi openly engaging in a country with zero public Jews, Yadidya challenges deeply ingrained antisemitism, turning potential enemies into friends through honest dialogue and shared humanity.

• Redefining dignity through action: By treating street beggars with the same respect as politicians and mediating conflicts among street children, Yadidya demonstrates a radical equality that's reshaping societal norms and inspiring profound personal transformations.

These bold acts are just the beginning of Yadidya's vision. Through raw, honest content on Substack and YouTube, he invites you into his world—sharing his life, philosophy, and audacious plans for change. Your subscription isn't just support; it's rocket fuel for a mission that grows more ambitious with each new member.

Picture this: Yadidya, backed by 10,000 subscribers, demanding—and getting—meetings with both Gaza's terrorist leaders and Israeli officials. Every moment captured on video, laying bare the human drama of conflict and reconciliation for the world to witness. With 100,000 subscribers, this isn't just possible—it becomes inevitable.

The question isn't whether these seemingly impossible dreams can become reality. The question is: Will you be part of making it happen! Every new subscriber amplifies our voice, extends our reach, and accelerates our impact. Join us now. Help reshape our world through fearless dialogue and bold diplomacy. Together, we'll turn audacious visions into historic achievements—just in time for the Jubilee year to usher in an era of unprecedented change.

Transform The Globe

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Yedidya, the fastest growing worldwide community if you and I make it so


I've been drawn out of relaxing exile by Forces larger than myself. I am available here: