I received a comment on this video from a well meaning Jewish man whose opinion is one I myself once had.
I responded
Being as many of them think that "Jewish" means "somebody who drinks babies blood" I am, quite literally NOT JEWISH in their language.
That said, after a lot of give and take, I have in fact told many people and even shared my YouTube channel with many people.
I am fully convinced that The Divine perspective is that each soul is precious and that either everybody or 99.9% of people WANT TO BE good, and are the victims of a bad system and the miscommunications the system engenders.
also: https://ydydy.substack.com/p/good-morning-friends
also: https://ydydy.substack.com/p/brotherhood-or-the-sword-the-only
I am 99% convinced that this Divine Perspective is correct. (Forgive me, but I am mortal and not omniscient or omnipotent.)
And I am 98% convinced that I can achieve it.
I am however fearful of whether I can achieve it without being imprisoned or killed in the process and, as one who does not believe that Jesus still lives, I very much do not want to be a martyr for even the greatest of human causes.
But yes, Arabs are humans and quite similar to other humans. A trigger finger and misconceptions cause much murder. But my very survival aming all of the traditional enemies of the Jews (I just spent 3 years living as an openly Jewish man in a fully black neighborhood in New York) is proof of that fact.
Here's my most recent post. The video evidence of my having successfully carried out histage negotiations with terrorists is missing because מצוה לא לומר דבר שלא נשמע as I said in the letter. But it is available here on YouTube, both as the Preamble video to my series on The 10 Commandments, and in the playlist callled "Yedidya's ISRAEL".
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