Myself, Dr Mohammed Hejji, Ameer, & Rashid
Dr. Mohammed Hejji's father was killed in Gaza and his mother was injured.
His father's death made the news with the claim that he was used for a pro Israeli photo-op before being executed.
Here's the story from an obviously biased source; but equally obviously his 79 year old father was no threat to anybody.
Not that it matters. I haven't had the opportunity yet to learn from Mohammed all he knows about his father's death, but again, it doesn't matter.
Was he killed by some sadistic young soldier having fun? It's possible. I have spoken with enough soldiers from enough armies to know that this is possible. Without ascertaining the facts from Mohammed, my best guess is that he was killed in the same way as the white-flag-waving hostages were killed - “by accident”, because in a war zone it's do or die, so if you have a gun you shoot. The number of Israeli soldiers killed by “friendly fire” is not small.
And again, it doesn't matter.
On October 8th, 9th, and 10th, I told everybody who would listen that there was only one way for Jews/Israelis to get the security that all human beings desire and deserve — through Hasbara.
Not Hasbara as currently practiced, but as I, the creater of Hasbara practiced it — through human understanding, error-correcting, learning, empathizing and caring.
I won't share the article yet again. It's in the archives and I read it aloud on video just 2 months ago.
I wrote then that Netanyahu, whom I helped elect in 1996, needed to be immediately replaced with anyone or else, to survive the events of October 7th, he would need wage a protracted war. Not to win and not to lose, just to take advantage of the fact that human beings, everywhere and always, dare not publicly hold their war-waging leader to account lest they come across as providing aid and comfort to the enemy.
I said as well that I don't blame him. The world is such a dirty, dirty place that the only way not to be crushed is to play by the rules. The real rules, not the ones they teach in kindergarten and continue to hypocritically preach to the naive masses.
And the real rules in Israel are that the smolanim (“leftists”), like everywhere today, are the educated, wealthy, international elite and, like everywhere else, they hate The People's Choice and always use their connections, bureaucracies, lawyers, money, fame, media, and hypcritical scoldings to magnify the flaws of popular leaders that they deny or memory-hole in their own preferred representative.
And of course The People who voted for their preferred leaders, either can't or won't come to the aid of their preferred Big Man when The Bureaucracy closes in, and thus left to their own devices, these populist leaders will do whatever it takes to save their skin. Who wouldn't. For Sharon it meant uprooting Jewish communities in order to literally gift Gaza to Hamas, and for Bibi it means — well, ask anyone who lives in Israel.
I knew that Israel would accomplish nothing good even for themselves that would last, but would instead kill lots and lots of Arabs and maybe destroy one violent antisemitic organization just to spawn a new one.
I offered a way out then and I offer it now, but TRUST ME the window of opportunity for my leadership to bring peace to my people is rapidly closing.