Sitemap - 2023 - YDYDY (
Q & A: Regarding the film "Jewish Jesus"
My Jewish Jesus: The Most Important Video on the Internet (if you choose to make it so)...
A Music Video for the Yom Shekulo Shabbos
Attempting to reach R' Slifkin
The Stories of Far Flung Jewish Communities
The first paragraph of the Talmud
To my sisters, brothers, friends, teachers and students in Eretz Yisrael
My friends and loved ones In Israel are on edge
You are invited to the YDYDY Chabura
Yedidya Housekeeping & Welcoming Shabbat in Old Spain
Our Final Jubilee-Year Refresher is not a joke
With World Famous Historian Rabbi Ken Spiro from Jerusalem
Please pray for me and have my back practically too
Kaifeng Chinese Jews After 1850
Having lived in Israel, Turkey, Jordan, and the UAE...
The Beginning of The Final 50 Year World War Sounds About Right
I Love Everyone and Everyone Loves Me
This is true. Nothing is truer.
Dreams are your subconscious trying things out
My Comment On The Rationalist Forum
Censorship is unnecessary when genuineness is appreciated